“And there came Jonas Moore, the mathematician, to us, and there he did by discourse make us fully believe that England and France were once the same continent, by very good arguments.”
Samuel Pepys
This innovative mathematician, engineer and astronomer was born in Higham, but somehow found his way to the corridors of power. As a leading enlightenment thinker he was involved in founding the Royal Society, setting up the Greenwich Observatory and ultimately for the concept of Greenwich Mean Time. Moore also wrote the ground-breaking A New Systeme of the Mathematicks, a milestone work of maths still referenced today.

Read more
Information on Jonas Moore on Wikipedia
You can listen to a talk by Dr Frances Willmoth of Jesus College, Cambridge, for the Royal Society HERE.
For Pendle Radicals
The birthplace of this extraordinary man is included in the Radicals Trail as a special place of historic significance.
Explore further
Pendle Council’s circular Jonas Moore walk can be followed from the village. Their walk guide leaflet is full of interesting detail about the man and his times. You can download it here.