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‘And there came Jonas Moore, the mathematician, to us, and there he did by discourse make us fully believe that England and France were once the same continent, by very good arguments.’
Samuel Pepys
Innovative mathematician, engineer and astronomer, Jonas Moore was born and grew up here in Higham. From this remote location, he found his way to the centres of public life. As a leading figure of the enlightenment in London, with famous friends like Samuel Pepys, he jointly created the Royal Society, the Greenwich Observatory and ultimately the concept of Greenwich Mean Time. His ground-breaking A New Systeme of the Mathematicks is a key work still referenced today.

A circular walk will take you around Higher White Lee Farm where Jonas was born, and other sites that were a part of his early years here. Download Pendle Council’s fascinating walk leaflet here.
Visit the village pub, the Four Alls, admire the unique pub sign, and decode its system of meanings.
Read more about Jonas Moore within Pendle Radicals